Course curriculum

  1. 2
    • Affirmation - I set powerful intentions and trust in their manifestation.

    • Creation: Supplies for Your Manifesting Mobile

    • Experience : Guided Visualization

  2. 3
    • Affirmation: I let myself dream big!

    • Creation - What is a Process Goal?

    • Experience - How to make a Visionary Art Circle

    • BONUS! Music for Manifesting !

  3. 4
    • Affirmation: I have what it takes to overcome any obstacle.

    • Creation: Examples of Visionary Art Circles

    • Experience: Journal with Joanne and Diana

  4. 5
    • Affirmation: I bridging the gap between my executive and creative self.

    • Creation: Make Visionary Art Circles with Diana and Joanne

    • Experience: Affirmation Art Card Reading with Joanne

  5. 6
    • Affirmation: I see my grand vision manifesting right before my eyes!

    • Creation: I have the perfect spot to hang my Manifesting Mobile!

    • Experience : Gratitude Time Travel Game

    • Bonus: More examples!

    • Course Feedback Survey - thank you for your responses!